08 April 2012

OECD call for good practice examples

OECD call for Think Pieces: Good Practice in Communicating Development Results

The OECD DevCom invites all development communication practitioners to contribute short 'Think Pieces' illustrating successful approaches and strategies in communicating the results of development. 

The Think Pieces will constitute background documents for debates during the IDB/DevCom Seminar on "Communicating Development Results" (23-24 April in Washington DC) and will be compiled into a DevCom publication “Good Practice in Communicating Development Results”.

Detailed instructions (PDF): 

Why should you consider submitting a think piece? Because it is…
 A unique opportunity to contribute to a wide collection of good practice and empower development communication practitioners and researchers globally in building their communication strategies and campaigns with a “results” component;
 An opportunity to share your perspective and give feedback on what you and/or your institution are doing in this area;
 An excellent opportunity to get your work published through a DevCom/OECD Development Centre publication and engage in dialogue with top-level policy makers and practitioners around the world.
We encourage Think-Piece submissions from both DevCom members and non-members alike.

Authors could also contribute with Think Pieces in the form of case stories – brief descriptions of members’ experiences of communicating results within a framework of a concrete project or campaign. 
Some questions to consider could be:
In which way does it address the current challenges and demands of communicating 
What was the context?
What worked/did not work well and why?
What are the components that have proven successful in particular circumstances (political commitment, knowledge, tools, partners, messaging, targeting the audience, etc.)?
What were the lessons learnt?
Which practices have specific and/or wider 
Be sure to mention any planned follow-up (resolutions, recommendations, etc.). You can also tell 
one individual’s compelling personal story, use a provocative quote, summarise a new trend, give a “real life” example of an abstract theory, or put a theme into historical context.

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